Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Eyes

This begins my new category of posts here on BabyDear. Since my RIE training last June, I have eagerly awaited Avery's arrival so I could put to use the methods that I learned in my RIE training. Most people don't know too much about RIE so my new goal is to help you see the philosophy by noting how it works during Avery's development over the next few years.
Magda Gerber, a co-founder of RIE, was a child therapist and infant specialist, who showed the importance of respect for infants and giving them the
trust to develop in their own natural way. She uses the statement, "seeing infants with new eyes" to remind us that an infant is a person, just like us, that is worthy of respect and should be treated that way. To me, it means treating infants the way I would like to be treated. Think of it this way, right now, as an adult, imagine having to have some one change your diaper. How would you want to be handled? I know I would want to be treated with care and respect. How would you feel to be the infant tossed up and down by uncle or constantly interrupted while you worked? Infants have the same feelings and deserve for us to respect that! The next time you see an infant, stop and think about how they'd like to be treated, or what they need BEFORE you make a move. If you do, you'll be on your way to a trusted and respected relationship with the infants in your life.
There is a new website about Magda Gerber. Click hereto check it out!
I will be posting many links to other blogs that go hand and hand with the RIE method. I will also post about books and videos that can help you understand how to use RIE in your life. Lastly, I will be posting images, stories and videos of Avery in hopes to show and demonstrate some topics RIE covers.
This blog will challenge you to practice these methods not only with the infants in your life but the adults too!
I hope you become inspired by the posts to come!

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